Car horoscope for the week of April 15-21


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  1. Autohoroscope from 15 to 21 April
    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Twins
    • Cancer
    • a lion
    • Virgo
    • scales
    • Scorpion
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Fishes

If one day we find a gas station where they will pour gasoline for us just like that, if the traffic cop waves his cap and removes the prohibition sign. If all traffic jams suddenly disappear, there will be only new asphalt. Yes, dreaming is, of course, useful for us ... April is in full swing, so we wake up, stretch and step on the pedal - the congestion has really resolved. This spring week will be busy, the road stars do not lie. In general, it is better to put iron horses in garages and roll out two-wheeled friends - we will celebrate Bicycle Day. But we do not lose our vigilance, because pedestrians still do not believe that spring has arrived, and they wrap themselves in jackets and pull their hoods over their eyes - everyone walks and walks, there is no rest from them.

Autohoroscope from 15 to 21 April


Aries, this travel week would be perfect if it weren't for your passengers. Now they are cramped, then they are stuffy, then on the contrary - it is cold. Even the iron horse is worried - she has to trudge somehow so that her fellow travelers do not turn pale with fear, and even the speed limiters get on her nerves if they are wrong. If you have trouble with the clutch, do not rush to the repair shop - they will rip off so much for the work that it is easier to get a new wheelbarrow. Take a ride, ask the price - maybe some Uncle Vasya will fix a car for a bottle. By the way, pay attention to pedestrians - there are many bald ones among the two-legged ones. No, this is not a universal hobby for Buddhism, just people celebrate the Day of the Bald.


Taurus, do you know that not only people, but also cars dream of beauty and youth ?! Your iron horse will look into every puddle and wink at every steel horse you meet. In this April period, the car even flirts with the traffic cops - it slows down near the posts and expects to be praised for the cleanliness of the cabin and the shine of the headlights. By the way, take a pot of porridge and a bottle of wine with you - if you drive past a river or lake, appease Vodyanoy, who woke up after hibernation. Cheerful fishermen have already gathered at the reservoirs and celebrate the spring Day of Nikita Vodopol. But you do not bring these peasants - they suddenly want to pay off with the catch and throw a full trunk of ruffs and perches, you will be tortured to clean.


Gemini, road stars periodically conduct excursions to earthly highways and drop in at both gas stations and auto repair shops - yes, here you have a lot of pleasant things. Either they will give you tea for free, then the diagnostics will be carried out for a penny. Of course, customers are lured - we went, we know where free cheese can be. But you have nothing to worry about - the drivers of your sign have so many familiar locksmiths that you can break down every week. But it is better not to break down, because a lot of travel is expected in these April days. And pay attention to butterflies on the road - girls sell snowdrops. But here, too, there is competition - old women also stocked up on the first flowers for sale and celebrate Snowdrop Day.


Cancers, chauffeurs are not sorry for time and effort - everyone wants to get a discount on gasoline. But whether the game is worth the candle is a big question. In short, fill up and drive to work - the week is expected to be busy and congested. And as you wish - April, however, the people softened under the sun, someone is dull, someone, on the contrary, is focused and rushes forward, dissecting space and time. Oh, something has taken the stars to the wrong place - you have to tell what awaits you, what surprises the period will bring. There will be many pleasant surprises - either clowns-pedestrians run over zebras, or magicians-traffic cops will draw in the middle of an empty road. Everyone is celebrating International Circus Day, join us - become a car trainer.

A lion

Leo, why people responsible for the quality of roads do not take into account the climatic features of the area. The stars rode along the country roads and were horrified - you can't even drive a tank. And the situation in the cities is no better - drivers have to issue fuel for harmfulness and write bonuses for hard driver's work. But your iron horse is not discouraged - his eyes are burning, the tail is a pipe, the mane stands on end. True, the suspension has been worrying lately - don't be too lazy, find a few hours to communicate with locksmiths. And do not leave the wheelbarrow unattended - the people celebrate the holiday - the Day of the worker of the scrap processing industry (they will unscrew all the screws, pieces of iron, nuts and hand them over on the cheap).


Virgin, the machine has become demanding on the quality of fuel. And as you wish - you, too, will not drink tasteless lemonade or expired milk, and the car is no worse. So choose gas stations wisely and do not chase after cheapness, and the horse will be able to thank you - it will rush away with a breeze to anywhere in the world. But during this period, long journeys do not threaten you, and the route will be specific - to the dacha. Do not be afraid, you will drive through slush, and snowball, which does not want to melt in the shade, and along roads where asphalt has never been laid before. And do not pay attention to pedestrians who walk with a thoughtful look and are looking for something on the zebra - they celebrate the Day of the search for the meaning of life. Eh, can you really find him on our roads ?!


Scales, trails creepy, trails hellish, all broken and stupid. Here is a pothole on a pothole - this is a feature of our roads. The stars will not tell you anything new and interesting, and this April week will be ordinary - traffic jams, meetings with the patrol, the endless chatter of passengers and the whims of an iron horse. True, two-legged in these spring days behave mysteriously and unusually. Pedestrians smile all the time, even if they are sprayed or scolded. Probably, the guys celebrate the Day of the Traveling Smile. The holiday, of course, is unofficial, but you will support and carry your happy smile along all the alleys and back streets - it is more pleasant to steer with it, and to press the pedals more fun.


Scorpios, your car is a one-of-a-kind copy, and they don't make it anymore. Now it is clear why you do not like it when an iron horse is stroked on the bumper - hands off the car. Indeed, what they climb, they will still scratch, or leave fingerprints. If only the passengers were somehow expelled - they were tired of driving them endlessly, the covers were drilled, the rugs were knocked down, they sprinkled the entire cabin with crumbs, sometimes they smoke, and the ashes were shaken off onto the floor. In general, these April days, the stars are advised to ride alone - and the machine will be an excellent companion. And look at both - people are running around and muttering something incomprehensible. They celebrate the Day of the Chinese language - go from there, you still can't make out anything.


Sagittarius, to be afraid of traffic jams - do not travel on trips, this is such a driver's proverb. Well, you understand, because the chauffeur of your sign cannot even spend one day without a car - they immediately mope, yearn. You are waving your hands in a dream - you are probably looking for a steering wheel. In these April days, be calmer and leave the wheelbarrow unattended at least for the night - do not be afraid, it will not leave without you. But insure yourself against the hijackers - because of the gasoline crisis, stealing cars, by the way, has become less common (it's not clear why), but check the alarm system and put a normal lock in the garage. And do not bring people with suitcases - let them call a taxi and celebrate the Day of suitcases without you (and you travel light too).


Capricorns, poor headlights, unfortunate tires, defenseless hood - how our cars suffer, but everyone goes forward. Either a strict traffic cop stops him, reads the driver's license, then suddenly he shits a pigeon on the roof - in general, everything is as usual. Do not be discouraged - the iron horse has not paid attention to road troubles for a long time, because the main thing for her is that the chauffeur is affectionate.Pamper the four-wheeled beauty, take her to the workshop, to the car wash, take care of a comfortable overnight stay - yes, yes, it's time to clean up the garage normally, and not as you are used to: they waved twice with a broom, moved the trash into a corner and are happy. And arrange a holiday for the wheelbarrow, roll into the forest - at the same time break willows and celebrate Palm Sunday.


Aquarians, here you are out of the traffic jam - less than ten hours have passed. Get ready for a challenge like this - the roads are full of cars these April days. Moreover, there are all sorts of cars, different - and expensive modern crossovers, and rusty cans (which, if desired, will pass for a rarity). Well, and even about the drivers with whom you have to deal, the stars are even embarrassed to speak - some cannot be let out of the garage at all, because they do not know the rules at all and the steering wheel with the pedal can be confused. Although, okay - do not bother, it is better to look at the pedestrians with bruises under their eyes. They fell on purpose to mark the Day of Fingals, or maybe they had a fight with each other over a zebra.


Fish, the traffic cop waving his baton cheerfully, a pedestrian runs at a red light, the traffic jam does not end, and let's say: there is no road justice! Where does justice come from, if there are no roads as such - only directions, and even then incomprehensible, the navigator is completely crazy, or maybe he deliberately decided to confuse you. If you see two-legged people in the costumes of Pencil and Samodelkin, do not drive by - the handy guys will fix the wheelbarrow, and they will not take money for the work. They celebrate the birthday of the children's writer Yuri Mikhailovich Postnikov. Ask them to check your wipers - the wipers are swinging, loosened and live their own lives (they do not work in the rain, but they are activated in sunny weather).

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